MY GROWZYME: Pure Enzymes
Formulated for healthier roots with a faster breakdown of older roots, My Growzyme Will recharge enzymes and microorganisms.
Hornet Hydroponic Industries MyGROZYME has been engineered to recycle decaying organic debris within the plant root system. An effective defence against root borne pathogens.
This is now the leading microbes product hitting the hydroponics market far and wide. It’s not over priced like so many, yet delivers so much more benefits for your root system, natural and compatible with all nutrient brands, it supports every microbe your indoor plant may need. Mygrozme will clean your rootzone, cut off the dead roots and increase a better uptake of plant nutrients, in turn new roots soon replace the space, perfect for the full life cycle of your plants.
1L RRP £29.99
Shake well before use
Use 1-2ml per litre.
Use throughout plant life cycle.