Mills Nutrients Basis A&B is a two-part, mineral derived, base nutrient with a high concentration that can not only be used during vegetative growth and bloom stages of your plants life, this versatile feed, although traditionally used in hydroponic systems, can also be used in soil and coco substrates.
In the Mills A and B set you will get 1L of A And also 1L of B
Mills basis feed has became one of our latest tried and tested product with plenty of our customers telling us of the great results they have seen using this product, its a real around feed.
Working with any plants throughout vegetation and flowering periods Mills Nutrients Basis A and B is a highly concentrated 2 part bio-mineral base nutrient. Enabling any plant to absorb everything it needs within a wide pH range. Suitable for all growing styles – soil, coco and hydro – Mills Nutrients Basis A and B is simply to use working with all growing media and watering styles.
Your plants will be healthy throughout the growth cycle – reaching maximum yield and potential without sacrificing aroma or flavor.
- Enhances cell division and celstrek
- Improves nutrient absorption
- Optimizes water and nutrient transportation
- Provides all essential trace elements
- Stimulants photosynthesis and plant immune system
- Improves yield and plant vitality
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